
Forum o satelitski, kabelski, zemeljski in IP TV
Danes je So Jul 27, 2024 17:07

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OdgovorObjavljeno: Ne Maj 22, 2005 13:57 
1. Butalc
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Pridružen: To Jan 20, 2004 10:40
Prispevkov: 848
Kraj: Butal..e
I have just discovered very annoying computer worm on my PC, called Dazheb! Took me half a day to get rid of it, as when first executed, it immediately blocks all useful computer properties one usually needs to perform PC cleaning activities, such as Task Manager, Regedit and Config. Actually is this Dazheb unbelievably genius Trojan, I have never seen before in this shape and extent. It monitors all actions (every key stoke!!) one does on his computer in certain time lap and reports “interesting findings” to preset web address.

Needles to say, that I will use a little help of my friends, to find joker, author of this worm. I warmly sugest him to hide in his apple hole, if he doesn’t want to end-up in more unpleasant one!

Always awake and at your service


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OdgovorObjavljeno: Ne Maj 22, 2005 14:40 

Pridružen: Pe Jan 16, 2004 18:06
Prispevkov: 1748
prav cudoviti so te fantje, ki ustvarjajo razne worme :) meni so zeloooo vsaj kaj zabavnega :)

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