
Forum o satelitski, kabelski, zemeljski in IP TV
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OdgovorObjavljeno: Sr Jul 10, 2013 23:08 

Pridružen: To Jan 20, 2004 22:54
Prispevkov: 792
Za Stab sem slišal in tudi kaj prebral na netu pred cca 10 leti. Približno tolk časa je sat. moj hobi.
Odločil pa sem se za SG2100 , ki mi že 10 let dela brez problemov in pokrije vse potrebe.

Sem pa napisal, da "mi je bilo tako povedano. "

Ne bi pa zdaj o tem, v kteri firmi sem bil.

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OdgovorObjavljeno: Če Sep 12, 2013 17:30 
Ta motor lahko vrti antene do 140 velicine.

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OdgovorObjavljeno: Če Sep 12, 2013 19:17 

Pridružen: To Jan 20, 2004 22:54
Prispevkov: 792
Ja, dober.

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OdgovorObjavljeno: Če Sep 12, 2013 19:52 
Ta motor lahko vrti antene do 140 velicine.


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OdgovorObjavljeno: Če Sep 12, 2013 20:46 

Pridružen: Sr Jun 28, 2006 11:22
Prispevkov: 1195
Kraj: Notranjska
Pomota tole je verjetno pravi
Jaz imam že kar nekaj časa Gibertinko 125 cm in motor Stab 120. Zraven antene sem kupil še adapterske nosilce. Stab 120 pa ima podaljšan rotor, da gre gor ta antena. Stab 120 je narejen prav za takšne antene in je tudi dovolj močan. Vse skupaj deluje brez problemov, tudi viharje smo že dali čez.

Hisense 43A7500F 4K UHD
Beelink GT1 MINI
A1 optika

Zadnjič spremenil urko, dne Če Sep 12, 2013 20:53, skupaj popravljeno 1 krat.

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OdgovorObjavljeno: Če Sep 12, 2013 20:48 
Odločil pa sem se za SG2100 , ki mi že 10 let dela brez problemov in pokrije vse potrebe

S kterim postom je povezan ta citat?

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OdgovorObjavljeno: Če Sep 12, 2013 20:56 

Pridružen: So Nov 08, 2008 11:33
Prispevkov: 539
Ta motor lahko vrti antene do 140 velicine. 8)


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OdgovorObjavljeno: Če Sep 12, 2013 21:02 
Mal reda pri odgovarjanju ne bi škodlo. Pol človk neb moral sprašvat. Spoštvat naslou teme!!!

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OdgovorObjavljeno: Če Sep 12, 2013 21:18 

Pridružen: To Jan 20, 2004 22:54
Prispevkov: 792
Jaz imam tega , ki je v naslovu teme in obrača Gibertini 120 cm in SG 2100 , ki obrača 95 cm Alu.
Priporočilo sem napisal za Amiko 3800 HD.
Cena 50 € v SLO, predvidevam da je na Madžarskem ziher še cenejši.

SG 2100 pa tudi z lahkoto opravi nalogo in deluje že 10 let.

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OdgovorObjavljeno: Pe Sep 13, 2013 5:43 

Pridružen: To Jan 20, 2004 22:54
Prispevkov: 792
Check the motors on the market. You'll find that only one Italian manufacture uses a steel gear and they use a elaborate spring system to try to absorb the start stop shock. They still suffer from backlash problems that develop shortly after putting their motors in service part of which is caused by the high wear factor even though they use hardened teeth in their gears.

So don't be so quick to believe "new and improved" when it's actually very old, outdated, and rarely used. If it worked well, every manufacture would be doing it because it is cheaper.

To je del komentarja na linku od linka od m3k :

Kar pa ni res.

Ne proizvaja samo Stab HH motorjev brez plastičnih delov ampak tudi Amiko, ki lahko obrača antene do premera 140 cm , ima novejši nabor satelitskih leg v memoriji , current protection in lahko obrača antene do premera 140 cm , kar pa ni pomemben podatek. Pomembno je , kakšna je skupna teža. Ne poznam antene s plastičnim ozadjem s premerom 140 cm, tko da se vse ustavi pri Gibertini 120 cm. So še neke španske variante tam okrog 120 cm , mogoče malce čez, vendar so po dizajnu podobne Gibertinki , tko de je ozadje verjetno tudi podobno ni pa bilo vidno na fotkah, ... tist kar sem jaz gledal.

Tukaj pa je cel komentar iz zgornjega linka:

Plastic or Steel Gearing?
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DiSEqC Motors - Steel or Plastic Main Gears?
Do you really think no one ever thought of using a steel gear before? While at first the steel gear may seem stronger than the plastic gear. Read on, you might be surprised at what you find out.

DiSEqC motors originally had steel gears. But manufactures soon learned that steel gearing would not last for several reasons. I have listed some of the reasons in the table below. Motors with steel main gears are cheaper to make and still sold in countries where price is just about the only consideration. In areas where a reasonable warranty period is expected, you will only find plastic gears.

"Plastic" is really a poor term for the main gears used in most modern motors. The material is actually a high tech engineering nylon. For this application it's stronger than steel and will last much longer than steel.

Description Plastic Steel Notes
Absorbs backlash shock caused from starting and stopping Yes No Plastic gears have that slight amount of give required to absorb the shock of starting and stopping and from wind resistance.
Wear factor Low High Plastic gears wear less. Take a look at garage door openers and just about any other device that has daily use. You will find they use plastic gearing.
Mechanic stop Yes No Plastic gear teeth stop at the end of the travel range
Steel gears have teeth all around and provide no mechanical stop
Requires frequent backlash adjustment No Yes Steel requires adjustment more often then plastic because of it's high wear factor

Check the motors on the market. You'll find that only one Italian manufacture uses a steel gear and they use a elaborate spring system to try to absorb the start stop shock. They still suffer from backlash problems that develop shortly after putting their motors in service part of which is caused by the high wear factor even though they use hardened teeth in their gears.

So don't be so quick to believe "new and improved" when it's actually very old, outdated, and rarely used. If it worked well, every manufacture would be doing it because it is cheaper.
Quote from Peter Bain of PSB Satellite:
"having spent my first 20 years of working in mechanical engineering (And have the papers to prove it)
I would have to agree with everything there!"

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